The ashen zine is a raw punk publication dedicated to the punk culture (music, aesthetics, expressions and philosophy) and to the philosophical thinking, being fully written in english for acess of everyone in punk community.
Here, you will can find interviews with raw punk, d-beat and crust bands, reviews of the interviewed bands´s records, old and dead band reviews, several aphorisms, texts and the chaos and despair to which all we are condemned.
The interviewed bands are bands that I listen and like, and in this first number, you´ll can enjoy interviews with Warvictims (raw d-beat maniacs from Sweden), Audio Kollaps (grind/death/d-beat brutality from Germany) and Demarche (raw punk as fuck from Czech Republic), plus a review about Shitlickers (raw punk legend from Sweden).
I did try to develop a zine with the better quality possible for a free publication, considering my current resources. My understanding of the english language is limited, so, surely, there´s will some errors in this matter.
Well, people interested in printed copies of this zine can get in touch by e-mail, sending your address or download it via blog in electronic format (pdf). Feel free!!!
Please, before of you request printed copies, download the zine via blog. If you enjoy of what you readed so I can send to you printed copies. Thanks and cheers!!
DAN - Ashen zine
Got your zine today. Thanks ALOT!!!! Peace & cheers from sweden
hey buddy, would like copies of your zine, shoot us an email sniperfux(at)hotmail(dot)com
JPG-version is ok, but PDF-version: "The file link that you requested is not valid."
I'd love to get printed copy for my personal library.
Hey Boil!,
Thanks for info about link. I will correct it asap!
Oh man, sorry, but the printed copies are "sold out"!! Probably, in January 09 the #02 will be out now!!
Sorry for delay and Cheers
OK, new link for PDF version is working!!!
Thanx 'n' cheers!!!
hello! Dan,punk from recife i´ve got your fuckin´great zine! I´ve thought that this one was an overseas zine,but ya did a great one! CONGRATULATIONS MAN! HIGH QUALITY!!
Valeu Anonymous!!! Segunda dose de Ashen saindo em Janeiro próximo com Inepsy, Driller Killer, Distress, Meanwhile, Chaka e Crustcracker, mais aforismos, reviews, etc.
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